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This page shows Open Science funding available specifically for the Open Science Community Delft members.

Mainstreaming Open Science Fund

The Mainstreaming Open Science Fund is an ad-hoc funding initiative that was made possible due to the financial support of the Open Science Programme. The funding was announced in August 2022, and projects were awarded in September 2022 to implement various Open Science activities at TU Delft throughout 2022-2023. Only official members of the Open Science Community Delft were eligible to apply. Out of 15 projects, 11 were awarded varying amounts from 2.000 EUR to a maximum of 10.000 EUR.

The main purpose of the funding is to stimulate bottom-up pilot initiatives that fall outside of traditional research funding and focus on either of the two goals:

  • Building community/ies around Open Science Practice(s), or
  • Advancing Open Science practices within one or several faculties of TU Delft.

The following projects received seed funding:

  • The TU Delft R Café: Building a Community of Practice for Open Science with R

Recepients: Ashley Cryan (TU Delft Library), Aleksandra Wilczynska (TU Delft Library)

The TU Delft R Café is a space for users of the open-source programming language R. Since beginning in November 2021, we meet monthly to build R skills, write R code with others, and discuss questions about working with R. We also promote the application of the FAIR principles in writing and sharing R code and encourage reproducibility in data analysis by moving from proprietary software to an open and free alternative. We offer an inclusive place to learn and practice R skills, especially as a continuum for Data Carpentry workshops. With funding from the OSCD, we are organising themed sessions with invited speakers about open-science-related research activities where R has been applied, providing refreshments for monthly R Café meetups, and curating relevant R resources released to the community via GitHub and our website. We also plan to organise a data visualisation hackathon in Fall 2023. We are now networking with organisers of similar programming cafes at Utrecht University and the VU in Amsterdam to share knowledge and best practices.

  • Alexandria: A Collaborative Academic Publishing Proof of Concept

Recepeients: Andrew M. Demetriou (PhD, Multimedia Computing / INSY / EEMCS), Cynthia C. S. Liem (Associate Professor, Multimedia Computing / INSY / EEMCS)

Alexandria aims to be an open-source, open-access, online platform proof-of-concept that provides infrastructure for a shift towards modern, collaborative academic publishing. Largely inspired by wikipedia and github, it treats academic works like software artifacts, allowing for spontaneous and decentralized online collaboration, updating, micro- and nano- publication, the upload and review of code, data and other materials as well as text, clear communication of specific contributions, open review and post publication discussion. It further aims to be conceptualized, built, and developed in open collaboration with the open science community, and the talented faculty and students of TU Delft.

  • WAM2layers-Showcase

Recepients: Dr Ruud van der Ent (CEG), Vincent de Feiter (CEG and Wageningen University)

In this project, we aim to improve and increase the use among students of the fully open access atmospheric water vapor tracking software WAM2layers, originally developed by Ruud van der Ent. Moreover, we aim to show how a bunch of poorly organized scripts developed into user-friendly software and as such want to encourage colleagues to do the same.

Goals The goals of this new initiative are: 1) Increasing the easiness through which students and colleagues can use the WAM2layers software at TU Delft 2) Increasing the easiness through which anyone can use the WAM2layers software 3) Showcasing this project within TU Delft (primarily aimed at CEG-colleagues) as an example of how to turn a script into a professional piece of FAIR software.

Methods We aim to build a database of input data at TU Delft server and set up the model specifically for Delft Blue. Provide a (video) guide for CEG-students/colleagues how use the model at TU Delft with high performance computing of Delft Blue specifically. Moreover, we intend to organise a few workshops where we will show to our colleagues how a series of scripts was transformed into FAIR software. We hope to inspire and advice colleagues of what can be done with their code they may have on their own computer, but not yet shared with the world.

  • The New Open Design Handbook
  • Beyond Rbanism – Increasing the visibility and supporting the scale-up of the Rbanism project
  • SAMPLe Identifiers and Metadata (SAMPLiM)

Recepients: Liliana Vargas Meleza (Data Engineer, CEG), Sian Jones (PostDoc Researcher and Data Campion, CEG), Tobias Schmiedel (Assistant Professor, CEG), Lora Armstrong (Data Steward, CEG)

A variety of physical samples, such as groundwater, rock, soil, concrete, and other synthetic materials, are at the core of many research projects in the CEG faculty. Our project SAMPLiM aims to advance open science practices by promoting the use of persistent, unique sample identifiers, and related metadata to enable sample tracking, integration, and reuse. Samples with persistent identifiers can be linked to other samples, to analyses conducted across multiple facilities, and to derived digital content, such as images, data, and publications. Therefore, we are recording sample metadata and creating digital collections to make samples findable and data derived from them more FAIR.

  • Open REuse of PUBlished data (OpenREPUB)

Recepients: Dr. Heather Andrews (Data Steward, AE), Dr. Nicolas Dintzner (Data Steward, TPM), Elif Dilge Gül (MSc student, AE)

Currently Open Science policies are asking researchers to publish data. However the reuse of published data remains opaque. Often researchers ask: ‘is the data really going to be reused?’, ‘are we publishing useful data or just creating cyber trash? In order to alleviate these concerns, OpenREPUB proposes an exploratory study of datasets published by TU Delft researchers in the 4TU.ResearchData archive. The aim is to assess how datasets are published, and if that can tell us something about their reuse. Having this information will allow Data Stewards to better support researchers with data publication and promote data publishing with concrete ‘facts & figures’.

  • Data-Centric Design Community
  • Bringing JupyterFAIR to the TU Delft Community

Recepients: Manuel Garcia Alvarez (RSE, TU Delft DCC), Jose Urra Llamusa (RSE, TU Delft DCC), Serkan Girgin (Senior Researcher, Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science, University of Twente)

The TU Delft DCC, in collaboration with 4TU.Research Data and the University of Twente, developed a toolset for researchers, data stewards/managers that integrates computational research environment with data repositories like Zenodo and 4TU.ResearchData. We want to introduce these tools to research and open science communities at TU Delf and other Dutch universities. Therefore, we are inviting researchers, datastewards, support staff working in open science, and interested in managing and publishing research data to join a workshop on the 22nd of March at the TU Delft Campus. The workshop is free and open to researchers and support staff of all universities in NL, as well as RSEs and library staff who want to learn about the toolset or contribute to future development.

  • The Computational Chemistry Knowledge Graph

Recepients: Artur M. Schweidtmann (Assistant Professor, AS), Ferdinand Grozema (Professor, AS), Lukas Schulze Balhorn (PhD, AS), Qinghe Gao (PhD, AS)

We are establishing an open linked FAIR data platform, i.e., a knowledge graph, for computational chemistry. In particular, we make Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations accessible and extract information from the output files. This information will be stored in an open graph database. The results will be accessible through a web-frontend. Our platform will allow scientist in the computational chemistry domain to find and reuse DFT simulations. Also, the linked data platform allows to connect the data to other domains such as chemical engineering or material science. Finally, we aim to make the data accessible and usable for the machine learning community which develops property prediction models.

  • Delft Digital Humanities Community (DDHC)

Recepients: Prof. C.M. Hein (A&BE, coordinator), Dr. L. van Eijck (AS), Dr. R.M. Groves (AE), Dr. C. Lofi (EEMCS), Dr. J. Love (IDE), Dr. Y. Mosleh (CEG), Dr. S. van der Spek (A&BE), Prof. U. Pottgiesser (A&BE)

DDHC has been active from 2018 working on questions like (re)conceptualize, and (re)imagine the role of technology in the future by taking the perspectives of the humanities. Through this funding we aim to improve the internal and external visibility, strengthen the network and create cooperations, develop a platform to collect and feature to shared data on digital humanities and share and disseminate interactive tools for open science delivery and application in digital humanities.