OSC Delft Initiatives

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Open Science Community Delft initiatives are:

  • Designed by and for community members, with the goal to bring together community members with similar interest or goals to dive deeper/learn more about a certain are of open science
  • Open to participation from all OSC Delft members

All OSC Delft members can propose or start a new initiative. Likewise, existing TU Delft communities can become an initiative of Open Science Community Delft. The advantages of being an OSC Delft initiative are:

  • Having a big, diverse network of like-minded people to reach out to, encouraging otherwise unlikely collaborations
  • Access to an online infrastructure to build upon - you don’t need to build a website or social media account from scratch to start
  • Benefit from the collective existing knowledge of the community members and community managers
  • Assistance with event organisation and community management, e.g. running mailing lists

If you would like to start a new initiative or bring your community into OSC Delft, please use our idea sandbox to propose and discuss the idea, or email our community coordinator.

OSCD Board

Would you like to be more involved in Open Science policy development and community initiatives? Open Science Community Delft (OSCD) is forming an OSC Board with representatives of different faculties to facilitate the work of the community and bring Open Science within the faculties into the spotlight.

What does the Board do?

The main goal of the Board is to provide leadership for community work and maintain oversight. In short, the Board will:

  • Identify needs, gaps and priorities for the work of the community,
  • Bring each faculty’s prespective into the direction of work,
  • Keep the community updated about Open Science-related developments in each faculty.

The Board, once created, will decide on its more concrete role, term of work, commitment and individuals’ involvement in the everyday functioning of the community.

Any member of the OSCD is free to join the Board. Membership is not restricted to one representative per faculty, but we aim to have all faculties represented.

Become a Board member

Sign up by filling out this form. You will be contacted by the end of August 2023 with further details.


Join this online lunch discussion session and talk to Tanya Yankelevich (OSCD Community Manager).

Data champions

  • Are you practising or advocating for good research data management?
  • Would you like to share your data management tips and tricks in your group/department?
  • Would you like to get rewarded for that?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, consider joining OSC Delft and becoming a data champion!

What do data champions do?

  • Advocate for research data management and sharing at the department/group/section - data champions help spread the word about the latest developments and opportunities regarding data/code, and establish good data practices within their groups and/or departments
  • Inform policy, service and training development - data champions work closely with faculty data stewards and help design and offer input and feedback for data policies, workflows, tools and training
  • Speak to others about their experience with data management during departmental and section presentations and training events- data champions are considered local experts on data-related issues.
  • Network with other data champions from different faculties and departments through participating in bi-annual meetings for all TU Delft’s Data Champions

Data champions rewards

  • Build new networks and collaborations - data champions have reached out through the network to find new collaborations for projects and gran applications
  • Recognition by faculty management - faculty management and staff recognise and value the input and expertise from data champions in data-related initiatives
  • Upskilling opportunities - for example, data champions can hone their communication skills through presenting to a large, diverse audience
  • Close working relationships with faculty data stewards, faculty support staff and staff from the university corporate offices, e.g. Library, ICT,

Become a data champion

Join OSC Delft - in the onboarding email, you will be given the option to sign up to become a data champion.

Who are data champions?

The photo of Matteo Pini

Matteo Pini

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerodynamics, Wind Energy, Flight Performance and Propulsion

Turbomachinery, CFD-based automated design, Physics of complex fluids

More about Matteo Pini

The photo of Alessandra Menicucci

Alessandra Menicucci

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Department: Space Systems Engineering

Micro-spacecraft system engineering, space instrumentation (radiation and space environment monitors, asteroid muography), space environment and effects analysis, space embedded systems.

More about Alessandra Menicucci

The photo of Guido de Croon

Guido de Croon

Aerospace Engineering
Department: Control & Operations

My main research focus is to achieve autonomous flight of swarms of tiny flying robots. In order to achieve this, I investigate computationally efficient artificial intelligence, which is very much inspired by the intelligence of small flying insects. My areas of expertise are: artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning for robotics.

More about Guido de Croon

The photo of Roland Schmehl

Roland Schmehl

Associate Professor/Member advisory board
Aerospace Engineering
Department: AWEP

Airborne Wind Energy

More about Roland Schmehl

The photo of Boyang Chen

Boyang Chen

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerospace Structures and Materials

Damage modelling of composites

More about Boyang Chen

The photo of Irene Dedoussi

Irene Dedoussi

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Control and Operations

Environmental impacts, Combustion emissions, Sustainable Aviation, Numerical modelling, Data-driven approaches.

More about Irene Dedoussi

The photo of Junzi Sun

Junzi Sun

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Control and Operations

Air Traffic Management, Aircraft Performance, Aircraft Surveillance, Simulation, Data Science, Linux, Python, Java, PHP, Git

More about Junzi Sun

The photo of Roeland de Breuker

Roeland de Breuker

Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerospace Structures and Computational Mechanics

Aerospace structures, Smart and aeroelastic structures, Numerical simulations, Experimental research.

More about Roeland de Breuker

The photo of Saullo Giovani Pereira Castro

Saullo Giovani Pereira Castro

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerospace Structures and Computational Mechanics

Git, Github, Travis CI, Coverage, Python, Cython, C++, FORTRAN

More about Saullo Giovani Pereira Castro

The photo of Stefan Hickel

Stefan Hickel

Full Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerodynamics, Wind Energy and Propulsion

The area of my research interests is theoretical and computational fluid dynamics with an emphasis on complex fluids and turbulence phenomena. I have fifteen years of experience on writing high-performance computing software for different supercomputer architectures and the processing of large datasets.

More about Stefan Hickel

The photo of Calvin Rans

Calvin Rans

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerospace Structures & Materials

My academic expertise is on the fatigue and damage tolerance behaviour of aircraft materials and structures. Regarding data management: Open Science Framework and use of repositories such as Github.

More about Calvin Rans

The photo of Feijia Yin

Feijia Yin

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Control and Operations

aircraft propulsion modelling, novel propulsion concept, climate effects of aviation

The photo of Leila Iñigo de la Cruz

Leila Iñigo de la Cruz

PhD Candidate
Applied Sciences
Department: Bionanoscience

Functional genetics approaches to experimental evolution, budding yeast polarity network, documentation system centred on the use of open source tools oriented to easy customization and flexible collaboration. 

More about Leila Iñigo de la Cruz

The photo of Arjen Jakobi

Arjen Jakobi

Assistant Professor
Applied Sciences
Department: Bionanoscience

Structural biology, cryo-EM, computational and experimental biophysics

More about Arjen Jakobi

The photo of Jacob Hoogenboom

Jacob Hoogenboom

Associate Professor
Applied Sciences
Department: Imaging Physics

Light and electron microscopy, Correlative microscopy, Method and instrumentation development

More about Jacob Hoogenboom

The photo of Zoltán Perkó

Zoltán Perkó

Assistant Professor
Applied Sciences
Department: Radiation Science and Technology

Computational physics, coding (Python, Matlab, C), version control (Gitlab, smartgit), patient data management, project management

More about Zoltán Perkó

The photo of Dr. A.R. (Anton) Akhmerov

Dr. A.R. (Anton) Akhmerov

Associate Professor
Applied Sciences
Department: Quantum Nanoscience

Quantum nanoscience, numerical simulations

More about Dr. A.R. (Anton) Akhmerov

The photo of Eva Kalmar

Eva Kalmar

Applied Science
Department: Science Education and Communication

Research Methods in Social Sciences

More about Eva Kalmar

The photo of Dr. Raul Ortiz Merino

Dr. Raul Ortiz Merino

Postdoctoral researcher
Applied Sciences
Department: Biotechnology

Bioinformatics, Genomics, Systems Biology

More about Dr. Raul Ortiz Merino

The photo of Joseph Weston

Joseph Weston

Scientific Software Developer
Applied Sciences
Department: Quantum Department

Software development, Deploying and maintaining cloud software, Version control systems.

More about Joseph Weston

The photo of Gary Steele

Gary Steele

Associate Professor
Applied Sciences
Department: Quantum nanoscience

Quantum physics 

More about Gary Steele

The photo of Marcel van den Broek

Marcel van den Broek

Technician Bioinformatics
Applied Sciences
Department: Industrial Microbiology

As a Bioinformatics technician I am involved in sequencing (illumina, Oxford Nanopore) projects. Expertise in De Novo assembly, sequencing pipelines, unix/linux bash scripting and Python. 

More about Marcel van den Broek

The photo of Marcel Bus

Marcel Bus

Applied Sciences
Department: Chemical Engineering

Lab experience, with a good feeling for what may and what may not work in a lab environment. 

More about Marcel Bus

The photo of Valentina A. Cortés Urra

Valentina A. Cortés Urra

PhD Candidate
Architecture and the Built Environment
Department: Management in the Built Environment

Collaborative housing; Collaborative approaches; Collective housing; cooperatives; Chile; Chilean housing provision system; housing; multidimensional asset; residents empowerment; Affordable housing.

More about Valentina A. Cortés Urra

The photo of Ali Sobhani

Ali Sobhani

PhD Candidate
Architecture and Built Environment

Urban and regional studies; employing data science and unconventional data resources to study social interactions in cities

More about Ali Sobhani

The photo of Henriette Bier

Henriette Bier

Associate Professor
Architecture and the Built Environment

Architecture, computational design, robotics, robotic building

More about Henriette Bier

The photo of Balázs Dukai

Balázs Dukai

Scientific software developer
Architecture and the Built Environment
Department: of Urbanism, 3D Geoinformation

Geodata management and processing

More about Balázs Dukai

The photo of Mahda Foroughi

Mahda Foroughi

PhD Candidate
Architecture and the Built Environment

Heritage and architecture

More about Mahda Foroughi

The photo of Michiel Fremouw

Michiel Fremouw

Architecture and the Built Environment
Department: Climate Design and Sustainability

Energy Potential Mapping, spatial energy transition studies, urban energy data, open geodata, applying common sense

More about Michiel Fremouw

The photo of Lora Armstrong

Lora Armstrong

Data manager
Civil Engineering & Geosciences
Department: Geoscience & Engineering

Research data management, R & RStudio, version control with Git/Github

More about Lora Armstrong

The photo of Sian Jones

Sian Jones

Postdoctoral Researcher
Civil Engeneering and Geosciences

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs), Experimental study of 2D foam flows, Small scale core floods

More about Sian Jones

The photo of Alexandros Daniilidis

Alexandros Daniilidis

Postdoctoral Researcher
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Geoscience & Engineering

Reservoir simulation, Multi-dimentional data analysis, Python programming, Gitlab

More about Alexandros Daniilidis

The photo of Ruud van der Ent

Ruud van der Ent

Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Water management

Land-atmosphere interactions. Global hydrological modelling. Extreme rainfall.

More about Ruud van der Ent

The photo of Frans van der Meer

Frans van der Meer

Associate Professor
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design

Computational mechanics, coding, simulations

More about Frans van der Meer

The photo of Rolf Hut

Rolf Hut

Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Water Resources Management

In my current research I'm building tools for hydrologist to make the entire workflow for hydrological modellers FAIR . I work closely with research software engineers from the eScience center in the eWaterCycle project in which I am the PI. Their expertise on big data, data handling, FAIR, Open Access, etc. is invaluable for our project and it would be a waste of time / effort if colleagues within civil engineering would have to re-invent the wheel regarding things we have already build / used / experience with. 

More about Rolf Hut

The photo of Paul van Gent

Paul van Gent

PhD Candidate
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Transport & Planning

I've a broad data-related (processing, storing, analysing) experience. I'm well versed in Python, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques. I also design, construct and program (in embedded C) embedded data logging devices

More about Paul van Gent

The photo of Mark van Koningsveld

Mark van Koningsveld

Full Professor Ports and Waterways
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Hydraulic Engineering, Ports and Waterways

Generating decision ready information from data, models and tools (bathymetries, logistics, etc.) 

More about Mark van Koningsveld

The photo of Ehab Al-Khannaq

Ehab Al-Khannaq

Postdoctoral Researcher
Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department: Transportation and Planning

Cloud computing, virtualization, Docker container, Kubernetes orchestrator, storage management, big-data & small-medium size databases, UML design, scientific workflow applications.

More about Ehab Al-Khannaq

The photo of Suryansh Sharma

Suryansh Sharma

Msc Candidate
Electrical Engineering, Mathmatics and Computer Sciences

IoT, Embedded System Design, Energy Harvesting, Edge Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks

More about Suryansh Sharma

The photo of Giordano Lipari

Giordano Lipari

Research Associate
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Department: Institute of Applied Mathematics

hydrodynamics, computational and environmental fluid dynamics, hydraulic engineering. Tributaries: physics, maths, computer science, knowledge management

More about Giordano Lipari

The photo of Elena Congeduti

Elena Congeduti

PhD Candidate
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Department: INSY, Interactive Intelligence

Reinforcement learning, Multiagent planning problems, Abstraction in Markov decision processes  

More about Elena Congeduti

The photo of Thomas Abeel

Thomas Abeel

Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Department: Intelligent Systems

Bioinformatics, genomics, high performance computing, data integration

More about Thomas Abeel

The photo of Willem-Paul Brinkman

Willem-Paul Brinkman

Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering, Mathmatics and Computer Science
Department: Department of Intelligent Systems

Behaviour change support systems, human-computer interaction, user studies, interactive intelligence, intelligent conversational agent

More about Willem-Paul Brinkman

The photo of José Rueda Torres

José Rueda Torres

Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Department: Electrical Sustainable Energy

Electrical engineering, Stochastic optimization 

More about José Rueda Torres

The photo of Jerry de Vos

Jerry de Vos

MSc Candidate
Industrial Design Engineering
Department: Integrated Product Design

Designing, engineering and prototyping Open Source Hardware, mainly in electronics and plastic recycling.

More about Jerry de Vos

The photo of Jacky Bourgeois

Jacky Bourgeois

Assistant Professor
Industrial Design Engineering

Data-centric Design. Personal Internet of Things Data. Participatory analysis and design. Supportive and user-centred system 

More about Jacky Bourgeois

The photo of Valeria Pannunzio

Valeria Pannunzio

PhD candidate
Industrial Design Engineering
Department: Cardio Lab

Service design, Design for Healthcare

More about Valeria Pannunzio

The photo of Natalia Romero Herrera

Natalia Romero Herrera

Assistant Professor
Industrial Design Engineering

Development and application of user-centred design methods in living labs setups in order to understand people's daily life practices and the impact on health and environmental issues. In living labs setups, I specifically look at how to capture contextual aspects of daily practices by means of an active participation of people themselves.

More about Natalia Romero Herrera

The photo of José Carlos Urra Llanusa

José Carlos Urra Llanusa

Research Software Engineer
Digital Competence Center, ICT Innovation

Industrial Design, UX Design, Software development, Open Source

More about José Carlos Urra Llanusa

The photo of Sebastian Fajardo

Sebastian Fajardo

Postdoctoral Researcher
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Materials Science

Social and technological complexity, collective action, community formation, archaeology, anthropology.

More about Sebastian Fajardo

The photo of Alejandro M. Aragón

Alejandro M. Aragón

Assistant Professor
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Precision and Microsystems Engineering

Computational solid mechanics, modeling, enriched finite element methods, phononic crystals, acoustic metamaterials, topology optimization, contact mechanics, fracture mechanics, massively parallel scientific computing.

More about Alejandro M. Aragón

The photo of Pavlo Bazilinskyy

Pavlo Bazilinskyy

Postdoctoral Researcher
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Cognitive Robotics

Crowdsourcing, outsourcing, sharing data at public repositories, git, Python, MATLAB, javascript for online-based research. 

More about Pavlo Bazilinskyy

The photo of Kim Batselier

Kim Batselier

Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Delft Center for Systems and Control

Numerical linear algebra, Tensor methods, High-dimensional problems, System identification, Signal processing and Machine learning.

More about Kim Batselier

The photo of Sergio Grammatico

Sergio Grammatico

Associate Professor
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Delft Center for Systems and Control

Systems and Control, Optimization, Game Theory

More about Sergio Grammatico

The photo of Othon Moultos

Othon Moultos

Assistant Professor
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Engineering thermodynamics

Design and optimization of materials and processes using state-of-the-art molecular simulation techniques.

More about Othon Moultos

The photo of Poulumi Dey

Poulumi Dey

Assistant Professor
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Computational Materials Science

Ab initio based study of coherent microstructure, Phase stability, Phase boundary, Precipitation kinetics, Hydrogen embrittlement 

More about Poulumi Dey

The photo of Emiliano Trodini

Emiliano Trodini

PhD Candidate
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)
Department: Materials Science and Engineering

Electrical engineering, Nanotechnology, Materials Science 

More about Emiliano Trodini

The photo of Joost de Winter

Joost de Winter

Associate professor
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)

Human-subject research, automated driving, applied statistics

More about Joost de Winter

The photo of Jack Casey

Jack Casey

Postdoctoral Researcher
Technology, Policy and Management
Department: VTI

Philosophy of Science, Logic, Philosophy of Technology, Ethics, Epistemology

More about Jack Casey

The photo of Baiba Pudāne

Baiba Pudāne

PhD candidate
Technology, Policy and Management
Department: Transport and Logistics

Travel behaviour, time-use modelling, choice behaviour modelling and automated vehicles

More about Baiba Pudāne

The photo of Yilin Huang

Yilin Huang

Assistant Professor
Technology, Policy and Management
Department: Multi-Actor Systems

Data analysis, modelling, simulation

More about Yilin Huang

The photo of Scott Cunningham

Scott Cunningham

Associate Professor
Technology, Policy and Management
Department: Multi-Actor Systems

Statistics, Bayesian networks, image processing, geographic information systems, open source computing, text mining, consumer and microdata, science and technology information, urban science, municipal policy making

More about Scott Cunningham

The photo of Juan M. Durán

Juan M. Durán

Technology, Policy and Management
Department: Values, Technology and Innovation

Computer science; Philosophy of science and technology; History of science and technology; Philosophy of AI; Ethics

More about Juan M. Durán

The photo of Anneke Zuiderwijk-van Eijk

Anneke Zuiderwijk-van Eijk

Assistant Professor
Technology, Policy and Management
Department: Engineering Systems and Services

Open data, research data, data infrastructures, design, user service patterns, online education

More about Anneke Zuiderwijk-van Eijk

The photo of Susan Branchett

Susan Branchett

Expert Research Data Innovation/Data Architecture
University Corporate Office, R&D/innovation

IT services and Software Development

More about Susan Branchett

The photo of Ashley Cryan

Ashley Cryan

Data manager
Digital Competence Center, ICT Innovation

data management, data documentation, data storage, DMPonline, version control, FAIR principles, data visualization

More about Ashley Cryan

The photo of Agnes Broer

Agnes Broer

PhD candidate
Aerospace Engineering
Department: Aerospace Structures and Materials

Aerospace Structures, Composite Materials, Structural Health Monitoring, Data Fusion, Fatigue and Impact Loading

More about Agnes Broer

The photo of Ajay Seth

Ajay Seth

Assitant professor
Mechanical, Maritime and Material Engineering (3mE)
Department: Biomechanical engineering

Computational Biomechanics

More about Ajay Seth

The photo of Bianca Giovanardi

Bianca Giovanardi

Assistant Professor
Aerospace engineering
Department: Aerospace Structures and Materials

Computational mathematics, Computational mechanics, High-performance computing

More about Bianca Giovanardi

The photo of Martijn Nagtegaal

Martijn Nagtegaal

PhD Candidate
Applied Sciences
Department: Imaging Physics

MR Physics, image processing, data visualization, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Open code

More about Martijn Nagtegaal

The photo of Eugenio Tamassia

Eugenio Tamassia

PhD Candidate
Mechanical, Maritime and Material Engineering
Department: Cognitive Robotics (CoR)

Academic Teaching, Autonomous Systems, Cognitive Robotics, Decision Making, Knowledge Representation, Motion Planning, Symbolic Reasoning, Tool Manipulation

More about Eugenio Tamassia

Xuehang Wang has not shared a photo

Xuehang Wang

Assistant professor
Applied Sciences
Department: RST

Energy storage

Delft Open Hardware

Delft Open Hardware is a bottom-up community of students, researchers, university staff and alumni at TU Delft, started in September 2019. We believe that open source software and hardware are game changers in education, research and sustainability. This is why we work on open source hardware projects and run events where we share our expertise and passion with others.

What is open source hardware?

Open (source) hardware means releasing publicly the source of how hardware is designed so that anyone can study, improve and distribute the technology. By doing so, everyone: engineers, developers, end-users and other stakeholders, are free to improve and decide how the projects evolve on the basis of innovative ideas, excellent work and, intensive peer review for and quality assurance.

What do Delft Open Hardware members do?

  • Design and develop open hardware projects together, through sharing our ideas in meetups and our Telegram group.
  • Organise training and events to raise awareness around open hardware
  • (coming soon!) Mentor and supervisor open hardware bachelor & master theses projects and internships
  • (Coming soon!) Manage a makers space

Visit the Delft Open Hardware website to find out more, and join our community!

Open Hardware community members

The photo of José Carlos Urra Llanusa

José Carlos Urra Llanusa

Research Software Engineer
Digital Competence Center, ICT Innovation

Industrial Design, UX Design, Software development, Open Source

More about José Carlos Urra Llanusa

The photo of Jerry de Vos

Jerry de Vos

MSc Candidate
Industrial Design Engineering
Department: Integrated Product Design

Designing, engineering and prototyping Open Source Hardware, mainly in electronics and plastic recycling.

More about Jerry de Vos

The photo of Eugenio Tamassia

Eugenio Tamassia

PhD Candidate
Mechanical, Maritime and Material Engineering
Department: Cognitive Robotics (CoR)

Academic Teaching, Autonomous Systems, Cognitive Robotics, Decision Making, Knowledge Representation, Motion Planning, Symbolic Reasoning, Tool Manipulation

More about Eugenio Tamassia

The photo of Martin Holub

Martin Holub

PhD Candidate
Applied Sciences
Department: Bionanoscience

Molecular biology, microcontroler programming, bioinformatics, scientific and popular writing

More about Martin Holub

Citizen Science

Citizen Science Community at TU Delft is a bottom-up initiative that brings together researchers, educators and university staff passionate about Citizen Science as a methodology for research. We believe that Citizen Science is a catalyst for closing the gap between traditional scientific community and the people who benefit from the results of the research. Yet while the methodology has existed for a while, there is no manual on how to apply it and no one-size-fits-all approach. We are trying to close this gap by sharing experiences, ideas and best practices, as well as supporting each other in various project initiatives.

What is Citizen Science

Citizen science actively involves the public in scientific research that generates new knowledge or understanding, and thus has the potential to bring together science, policy makers, and society as a whole in an impactful way.

Citizen science is a relatively new concept within science, but is getting more and more popular as part of research projects. It has multiple benefits:

  • It is an efficient way to collect and process data. A group of citizen scientists that each do a little work, can collect a lot more data in a much smaller timeframe than any researcher or research-group can gather in the same timeframe.
  • Citizen scientist can collect from places that can be hard to reach for researchers, like backyards or schoolyards.
  • Citizen science is a great opportunity to test new technologies or innovations on a larger scale.
  • Citizen science helps find the research angle that focuses on the immediate needs of the community that it involves, allowing for research results to be easily used for bringing about change.

Find out more on our Citizen Science website

What do Citizen Science Community members do?

  • Discuss relevant challenges, solutions and opportunities in citizen science projects in regular lunch meetings
  • Organize training, MOOCs and events to raise awareness about Citizen Science
  • Advocate for improved services and infrastructure at TU Delft to make utilizing Citizen science methodology easier and more efficient

Visit our website to find out more about Citizen Science principles and tools, and join the community
