Our stories

Julia Joppien (https://unsplash.com/license)

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This is a collection of articles, blog posts and reports written by community members and coordinators.

Your article can also be featured here!

  • Do you have an existing blog post, publication or presentation related to open science that you would like to share with another community member? You can request to link to it from this page! Please submit an issue with a URL to the article.
  • Would you like to share your ideas, thoughts and/or experience about open science with other community members? You can write a blog post here. Contact our community coordinator. We will also happy to advise on writing and help editing, and brainstorm and co-author the post with you!


OLS-4 cohort experience

- Arent Kievits, Open Science Community Delft

A graduate of the fourth cohort of the Open Life Science (OLS) program talks about his experience!

Workshop series on machine learning applications in material science

- 4TU.ResearchData, Material Pioneers, Open Science Community Delft

We announce the launch of a workshop series for Early Career Researchers in Material Science.

Winners of the Convergence Health and Technology Open Research Awards 2021

- Rotterdam R.I.O.T. Science Club, Open Science Community Rotterdam, Open Science Community Delft

Recognising early career researchers in health and technology practising open research.

Open Data and Software in Tackling the Climate Crisis

- Emmy Tsang

A recording and summary of our Open Science Coffee on Open Data and Software in Tackling the Climate Crisis.

Diversity and Inclusion in Research, Technology and Design

- Emmy Tsang, Esther Plomp

A recording and summary of our Open Science Coffee on Diversity and Inclusion in Research, Technology and Design.

Research Code Review: Best practices, Challenges and Opportunities

- Emmy Tsang

A recording and summary of our Open Science Coffee on Research Code Review.

Convergence Health and Technology Open Research Awards 2021

- R.I.O.T. Science Club, Open Science Community Rotterdam, Open Science Community Delft

  • Are you a Master student or an Early Career Researcher working in the field of health and technology?
  • Do you use or do you know others who use open research practices? Read on to find out more about and apply to these newly launched awards!
An open science event for the community, by the commmunity

- Emmy Tsang

Would you like to:

  • Connect with and gain visibility within a network of open science enthusiasts in TU Delft, the Netherlands, and beyond?
  • Use your creative and organisation skills to shape open science dialogues?
  • Learn more about open science and its relationship with Artificial Intelligence, Climate & sustainability, recognition & reward, and more?
Enabling the continual transformation of coastal dynamics education

- Emmy Tsang, Sylvie van Bleiswijk

The new open textbook “Coastal Dynamics” by Judith Bosboom and Marcel Stive has been downloaded 4000 times in 36+ countries - Judith and Marcel discussed their motivation to share this knowledge openly and the challenges on the way.

Urban Microclimate Modelling with SPACERGY

- Connie Clare

“Developing a climate model is challenging, time-consuming and the data often requires a large amount of storage space. By publishing our data in 4TU.ResearchData we have ensured secure and long-term preservation of our datasets without concerns about storage,” says Daniela Maiullari, a PhD candidate at the Department of Urbanism at TU Delft.

Making the most out of whey with open knowledge and peer review

- Emmy Tsang

“If people across (our project’s) impact pathway would contribute to this peer review, this can enhance the impact of the work as well.” David Weissbrodt and Maria Paula Giulianetti de ALmeida shared their thoughts on the role of open peer review in driving forward the full valorisation of cheese whey and their research.

‘Python Essentials for GIS Learners': a Targeted FAIR Research Workshop by TU Delft's DCC

- Ashley Cryan

The TU Delft Digital Competence Centre, together with a team at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, designed a workshop to support skill building in FAIR data, software and research workflows in the digital humanities research domains.

Contextualising 80 years of aerospace engineering education

- Emmy Tsang

“It’s a lot more fun doing it with the university, you have more influence on the content and you don’t have to deal with editors from publishers who have their own wish list and agenda.” Open book author Gillian Saunders-Smits reflected on her writing and publishing journey with TU Delft OPEN Publishing.

Making OperationAIR Data FAIR

- Connie Clare

The team behind TU Delft’s open-source ventilator for COVID patients discussed their motivations to share their design specifications openly.

Monitoring Obesity Patients with Innovation Technologies

- Daen Smits

Natalia Romero Herrera, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Design and Data Champion, shared her motivations for publishing not only her data, but also code, interpretations and way-of-thought.

Paving the road forward for OSC Delft

- Emmy Tsang

Emmy Tsang, OSC Delft coordinator, shares some changes towards building a more scalable, inclusive and open community.

Open science: Why would you do it?

- Joost de Winter

Data champion Joost de Winter shares some reasons why you, as a researcher, should adopt open science practices, and what some of the challenges are.

“How to champion our OS community?” meeting

- Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden, Santosh Ilamparuthi, Marta Teperek

On 8th of June, we had an online meeting to discuss “How to champion our OS community?” with 32 participants and a very active discussion. The why, what and how of this meeting can be found below.

Data champions get together

- Marta Teperek

On Thursday 5 March 2020 we had the first meeting of TU Delft Data Champions this year.

The Third TU Delft Data Champions meeting

- Nicolas Dintzer, Esther Plomp, Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden

On the 3rd of September, we had our third Data Champion meeting.

How to build a community of Data Champions: Six Steps to Success

- Connie Clare

Here, we present a ‘toolkit’ to help you build a community of Data Champions within your academic institution.

Helping researchers do IT

- Connie Clare

“In the era of big data more researchers are dependent on digital technology. I want to help researchers find the appropriate tool for the job,” says Data Champion, Susan Branchett.

Switch gear! Drive the uptake of Open Science within your research team.

- Connie Clare

Associate Professor, Joost de Winter, and Postdoctoral Researcher, Pavlo Bazilinskyy, share their experience of working together on automated driving projects.

Five W’s of Open Data

- Connie Clare

TU Delft library met Open Data Expert and Data Champion, Anneke Zuiderwijk, to learn about the ‘who, what, where, when and why’ of Open Data

Starting small and thinking big: A Quantum Tinkerer’s quest to mentor Open Science

- Connie Clare

We hear from Data Champion and Associate Professor in Quantum Nanoscience, Anton Akhmerov, about his journey towards becoming an ambassador for Open Science at TU Delft.

Empowering people with data

- Connie Clare

Data Champion from the Faculty of Industrial Design and Engineering, Natalia Romero Herrera, explores innovative ways of giving data back to the user for social good.

Carve your niche with ‘The Carpentries’

- Connie Clare

TU Delft Library met Data Champions from the Department of Biotechnology, Victor Koppejan and Raúl A. Ortiz Merino, to celebrate their Software and Data Carpentry workshop success.

The Changing Landscape of Open Geospatial Data

- Connie Clare

“We can harness the power of existing open data” says Data Champion, Balázs Dukai.

Keep calm and go paperless: Electronic lab notebooks can improve your research

- Connie Clare

Postdoctoral researcher from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Dr Siân Jones, champions the use of electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) at TU Delft.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle knowledge: How open hardware can help to build a more sustainable future

- Connie Clare

José Carlos Urra Llanusa shares his vision of open hardware.

The Second TU Delft Data Champions meeting

- Maria Cruz, Santosh Ilamparuthi, Marta Teperek, Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden

A summary of the meeting on 21st May 2019

Can I really read your emotions if I look deep into your eyes?

- Connie Clare

Joost de Winter explains the importance of replication research in the field of ‘Cognitive Robotics’.

Data Champion Kick off meeting


A summary of the launch meeting on 14th of December 2018.