- Emmy Tsang
Emmy Tsang, OSC Delft coordinator, shares some changes towards building a more scalable, inclusive and open community.
In June 2020, the TU Delft Data champions voted to rebrand their community to Open Science Community Delft (OSCD), an umbrella community of the International Network of Open Science Communities (INOSC). With this rebranding, we hope to widen our membership and scope, to learn and explore more diverse aspects of open science beyond data.
OSCD officially launched in September, 2020. Since then, we have been brainstorming: how do we structure our community to achieve our rebranding goal? I joined the community as its coordinator at this point; while I’m familiar with community strategies and methods, I lack knowledge of the history and culture of the TU Delft community. I spent the past 4 months talking: open science programme team members, data stewards, research support staff, and most importantly, data champions and researchers, to understand the needs and wants of various stakeholders.
The changes below is the result of what I learnt in these conversations - they focus on making the community:
These changes are nowhere going to pave the perfectly smooth road- they are experiments to be tested (with time) and learnt from, designs to be revised as more of us voice our ideas and take leadership roles.
This is a beginning to creating a home for our community Thank you very much to everyone who’ve contributed so far. This is by no means complete- more improvements and ideas are waiting to be realised
. If you have ideas on how we can improve/would like to help, please submit an issue.
With this launch, we’ve started a new Twitter account @OSCDelft for our community! Follow up to stay updated on happenings and stories in our community and in the wider national and international open science world
I’ve realised that the data champions identity is special and worth keeping, and the expansion of our community doesn’t mean this has to go!
Data champions will become an initiative within OSC Delft- they will continue to advocate for and push forward open data and best data management practices.
Because of this structural change: